Changing Careers after 40: Your VALUE is worth so much MORE than your age
“Employers want to hire recent college grads because they believe they will stick with the company and start at a lower salary.”
Yes, this happens, BUT not as often as you think.
Why? Because employers want to hire employees with experience, skills and talent already developed, so they do not have to invest the time and money on training, with a possibility that the person hired will quit in a year.
And the 2020 Pandemic made this even more true. Employers want to hire people who have the experience necessary for success and need minimal supervision, training, and resources to succeed.
Hiring new employees is expensive. The last thing employers want to do is spend a ton of money on new hires and see them quit in a month, especially after the time it takes to train them.
The first thing to do is to get clear on your VALUE.
Value can best be described as what sets you apart from the competition. It can be your accomplishments, awards, skills, special projects, leadership and more. Your value can simply be your experience and number of years in the workforce. BUT… your resume must reflect how your accomplishments helped a company grow, NOT your daily to-do’s. Our writers are certified and trained on how to make your resume stand out from the rest and get you the interviews you want.
By the way, it doesn’t matter that you took ten years off to raise your family, care for a sick relative, or your own personal set-back because guess what? That’s how life works. We get it and so do employers. They’re people with lives too!
We all deal with adversity and challenges in our lifetime. Don’t be scared to tell your story, especially how you came out a better person because of your challenges, circumstances and life events. We help you with this from the very beginning.
And we offer more than just professional resumes. We offer interviewing, job search assistance, Curriculum Vitaes, college entrance letters, essays, career coaching and more. We’ve got the education, experience, certifications and more, but you know what’s even more important? We CARE because we’ve been there! And remember…
A great resume is, well, great. However, it is not what gets you the job. It’s the interview that gets you the job and interviewing is an art. We are certified interview professionals and we know how to ace interviews so you get the job you want.
And we’re 24/7. We know that not everyone works 9-5, especially midlife career changers who are juggling work, family and children. We work when you don’t, so you can contact us at your convenience. We are the only professional writing organizational based in Metropolitan Detroit offering this service.
Don’t forget to check out our free articles on a variety of topics that will make a HUGE difference in your job search success. You’ll find information on our website on interviewing, job search success, COVID and the changing job market, ATS screening systems and more.
Call us today at 734-748-7271 or email Tonia at We offer free consultations and resume reviews. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.
And it all starts with a team of writers who truly understand your challenges.
Because we’ve been there too. AND WE CARE.
To your health and success,
Tonia Derkos
Professional Resume Writing & More

"Resumes that get noticed. That's our promise to you."
- Tonia Derkos -